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Sunday, February 3, 2013

One Less

The song that brought the entire blog title all together and the story behind the song is posted below. This wasn't the inspiration for adopting but perhaps it will be for someone. I'd spent a lot of time trying to figure out if we were to blog, and once I knew we were, I then struggled exactly what its purpose would be and title, etc. One day on a lunch break I was listening to Matthew West's "Story of Your Life" cd (which is fabulous by the way) and I knew that this was it.  So many of us have extra rooms in our homes (we have junk rooms for our junk rooms) that are empty or filled with stuff we don't need. (I "cleaned out" our closet and I have about 100 t-shirts that are just mine...b/c I love t-shirts...but why in the world so many...& I purge shirts every year. #afirstworld problem)  I realized that we didn't have to "make room" for kids in our home, but we had to make room in our lives, in our schedules, in our hearts, and in our case...we had to make room for His story to become part of our story. Years have gone by with us trying to write our own version of our life, it was time to hand over the pen to the author of all of our lives & stop fighting with him on how it goes.  We don't have to have a bedroom for every child, or even their own bed.  We don't have to be able to fund each child with a new everything constantly, nobody ever died from hand-me-downs, right? I think my generation and younger need to get back to being okay with doing so quite frankly.  Anyways, off my soap box. All we need is the willingness to realize that FEAR IS A LIAR & do what we may be called to do, regardless of what "that" is.
A quote from this video, "Look, I don't know how it's all going to work out, I don't even know how I'm going to pay for it. But when I get to Heaven, I have a really hard time believing that God's gonna ask me 'Why did you give so many orphans a home?' I don't think God's gonna ask me that question."  Not everyone is called to physically adopt, but we're all called to do something. By reading this blog and reading our story, & praying for us, you're doing something. You're allowing your eyes to be opened to the topic & not pretending it doesn't exist.  And for that, we are thankful. Thank you for walking with us in this journey.  There's always room for one more, so that there's one less...

You can here the full song below...I encourage you to listen. It's not long, you've already wasted tons of time on Facebook or Twitter or Pinterest today, what's a few minutes to listen to a meaningful song? =)

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