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Thursday, April 25, 2013


     I know that many of you probably just read this blog to pass the time of your online binge for the day, because you can't sleep at night, because you're nosy :), to look at what you assume is a perfect little life & because yours isn't you're just glad someone's is...or perhaps you just stumbled upon this blog & have no idea why you care about what this random stranger is writing. In the midst of the updates & posts are a lot of pauses in dates. Those pauses could mean that the Lord is working on my heart, that I'm just pissed  because I don't have any updates for you, for us, & for our son, or sometimes I'm just not supposed to talk/write though it's hard for me to do. Those pauses don't show a lot of the aggravation, heartache, & toll on someone during the adoption process & during life in general. SO let's get this straight...I won't just write about the "happy" if you don't just read about the "happy."

     A lot of times I write for myself & I get more out of it than anyone reading ever will. And though that is almost always the case, there are a lot of times that I feel led to write something or share something because someone needs to hear it, to know they aren't alone, or to be encouraged.
Don't stop reading this now young lady/young man. Don't you go assuming this is some "religious" message or some serious crap that you don't have time for or that it couldn't possibly be speaking to you. Why did you go click on this blog post today? What led you here? How can you know without knowing that it isn't you that this is for? I know you truly don't want to be called out or even to be embraced by the only thing that can give you peace or cause your heart to change. Some of you think it's all nonsense & garbage. You don't have a reason to want to believe. You've been let down by everyone your whole life, or maybe just recently. You still matter. Don't resist it y'all. What do you have to lose, really? So stop whining & continue reading... ;)

     Anyways...a song was posted on my Facebook not once, not twice, but three times today. When I first saw it my initial thought was, "oh yeah that's a great song." The second time it was more like, "that is a good song but odd that I so just saw this a few ago & those people don't know each other." The third time I just hit play.  And so the "hitting the knees" began. Praying this speaks to you today. There's the song & then the story behind it (it's short so don't skip it).
We all have "pain between the pictures." (Or pain between the posts.)-Tenth Avenue North
"It's not your circumstances that need to change, it's you."-Tenth Avenue North

Let me see redemption win
Let me know the struggle ends
That you can mend a heart
That’s frail and torn
I wanna know a song can rise
From the ashes of a broken life
And all that’s dead inside can be reborn
Cause I’m worn

My prayers are wearing thin
Yeah, I’m worn
Even before the day begins
Yeah, I’m worn

You have three choices's your choice... =)

*If you have about 10 minutes to hear his story, humor, & the song*

*If you have time for the song & 4 extra minutes.

*If you just have time for the song*

        Just know that adoption is hard. Waiting is hard. Kids in general are hard, right? Life is hard. It doesn't mean anything is wrong with me to pity me. It means I'm human. And I choose to share that with you. So please don't ever read this blog or see me and assume things are perfect b/c the Lord is giving us the opportunity (as He is some of you ;)) to give orphans a family. As a matter of fact, it's the hardest, most humbling thing I've ever done. Life that sometimes sucks makes us relatable to someone else. Your story, my story...well they're our stories because somewhere along the line it'll make us relatable to someone whose paths we cross & because during those times we grow.  He's got ya friend, always has...just hold fast!

    So beyond thankful that I know for a fact that in the end redemption does win. My struggles are nothing in comparison to those that happened on a cross 2000 years ago. I am worn, you may be worn, but redemption wins y'all!

~If you liked that song & want's a bonus

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